Resort Rules

Resort Rules

1. Vehicles parked in the Resort’s Car Park are at the owner’s/driver’s risk; the Management is not responsible for any damage or theft;

2. No firearms, weapons or illegal drugs;

3. No pets;

4. No tents;

5. Do not leave your personal belongings unattended as the Management is not responsible for any loss or damage;

6. Take care of yourself and the conduct and safety of your children in the Resort or if using the beach and sea as the Management is not responsible for any accident / injury.

7. If using the beach and sea please note:-

  • The gates to the beach are open from 5.30 am to 8 pm;
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult;
  • Children should walk not run;
  • Beware that the steps and surfaces on and near the beach may be slippery and the rocks sharp;
  • Beach shoes are recommended;
  • Beware that, sometimes, the sea currents can be strong and the rocks dangerous; only swim when it’s safe to do so.
  • Life jackets should be used by young children or inexperienced swimmers;
  • Life jackets should be used if boating;
  • No consumption of alcoholic beverages on the beach.

8. Do not remove marine life such as starfish, sea urchins (swaki) from the sea and beach;

9. No smoking in or near the cogon and nipa huts;

10. No cooking except in the Resort’s barbeque area;

11. No damage to, or graffiti on, the Resort’s property: any damages will be charged to the guests responsible;

12. If playing music/radio on personal gadgets, be considerate of other guests and do not play too loudly. Personal karaoke or similar singing devices are not permitted.

13. No litter; use the trash cans for disposal of your garbage.